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How to Solve 5 Common Web Publishing Mistakes

2009 November 5

Leo Tolstoy wrote, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”  It’s a similar story for web sites.  To be successful you have to get the basics right.

Web Publishing is not solely the domain of media companies anymore.  Inbound marketing is becoming crucial for customer acquisition and retention.  The ability to make engaging content that creates interest and informs consumers is becoming a core competency for an increasingly diverse group of companies in a variety of industries.

However, most web sites fail to attract a following. There is more involved than just producing content and putting it online.

Web sites are used, not just read. The easier you make it for people to navigate through your content, the more benefit and enjoyment they will get out of what you want to tell them.  For any web site to be successful people need to be able to get what they want with a minimum of effort.

Fortunately, most of the common mistakes are easy to fix.

Mistake #1 Hiding Content: Users go to web sites to see great content.  Unfortunately many web publishers do all that they can to hide it.  One of the most common mistakes is to lead with a section name (i.e. Business: Huge Stock Market Rally).

Section names are useful for categorizing content internally and for navigation, but aren’t very interesting for readers.  In fact, people tend not to see sections names unless they need them. They mostly use them to find their bearings after they get lost on a site.

If there is a stock market rally, readers will know it’s has something to do with business; if someone wins an Olympic Gold Medal, it doesn’t take a genius to know that it’s a sports story.  Categories are much more important for publishers and editors than they are for readers.

Magazine Publishers understand this in print.  Cover lines are enticing and get people to want to open up the publication.  Once inside, a table of contents and section names help the reader navigate.

The top of any home page should be dedicated to showcasing content. Headlines need to be primary.  Sections can be shown below the first screen, on the menu and, possibly, in a small gray font next to the headline.

People want to see something new when they go to your homepage, not that you have the same sections that were there the last time they visited.  Sections have very little informational value.  For more on the subject of revealing content, see here (points 6-8).

Mistake #2 Innovative Design and Internal Brands: For the most part, web site design should follow convention.  For users to be able to navigate the web site, it’s useful to have familiar things in familiar places.

Again, magazine publishers understand this in print, but seem to get lost on the web.  Magazines start with a table of contents and some short articles, the “feature well” makes up the middle, etc.  People who read magazines are familiar with the basic format and know where to find what they want.

A related problem is the use of internal brands for navigation, such as calling a discussion area a “Café” or a sex advice section “Passion.”   Using “original” names for navigation just makes it harder for your audience to enjoy your site. Navigation links are like road signs, they need to be descriptive.

There are many areas to innovate on a web site.  Innovative functionality, original content and dynamic infographics are all excellent ways to make a site unique and interesting.  However, unconventional design and navigation will most likely result in confusing your audience.

Mistake # 3 Ignoring Entry Points: While it is natural for web publishers to focus on the home page, more than 50% of the audience never sees it.  If you want your site to be successful, you need to think about how people actually use it rather than how you wish they did.

There are many ways to land on a site, including search engines and external links.  It is important to understand of how each article functions as a landing page. This is easy to research using conventional usability testing.

One effective strategy for creating entry points is to create short articles and reference pages that are very search engine friendly.  Internal linking can maximize search engine visibility and draw audience to your site.  While including basic information might not be sexy or exciting, it’s a great way to draw audience in.

Finally, it is a good idea to have parallel, consistent links in articles so users always know where they can go to find the next article.  Related stories, recent stories and top stories for the day all work well.

Mistake #4 Over-linking: Offering links for users to find more content is essential to navigation and usability).  However it’s often overdone. Links should be treated as if they were ads, good in moderation, but disastrous in excess.

Links are work; they require the user to make a choice.  Finding great content is their reward and since someone put forward the effort to get to your page, there is no value in spoiling the experience for them.

The point of creating great content for your audience is so that they can enjoy it.  Loading the page up with columns full of links inevitably reduces the space for reading and makes text harder to read.  Moreover, it sends the wrong message: “Thanks for coming, now go somewhere else.”

Links should be limited to one column with three or four blocks of five links, not including utilities like search.  This can be difficult in many blog templates, because there is limited functionality on the menu bar, but it still makes sense to minimize as much as you can.

Try to have as much reward for as little work as possible.

Mistake #5 Ignoring Semantics: The ability to create semantic metadata on the web is one of the great advantages over print publishing.  Relationships can be created between different content written at different times for different purposes. (See The Semantic Web)

The New York Times takes semantic metadata very seriously and has developed a sophisticated tagging system based on the subject, place, organizations referred to and the author of the article.  (See here for more about the New York Time tagging system.)

This allows them to create relationships between content that would be impossible otherwise.  They have tagged literally millions of articles and photos, all of which users can potentially access from current stories.

While not every effort can be as developed and elaborate as The New York Times, every publisher needs to pay attention to relationships between content.  Often, important relationships are not obvious when the article is written, so simply tagging what seems important at the time is not nearly enough.

One simple way to improve the semantics for your web site is to build reference pages for important topics and terms and then linking those pages to individual articles.  This will create metadata automatically and it is easier to keep reference pages updated than to continually update your tagging system.

Bringing Digital Colonies to the Mainland

Perhaps the biggest mistake that conventional companies make online is to create “Digital Colonies.”  It usually starts innocently enough.  Senior management recognizes the need for a digital strategy, there is some reluctance among incumbent staff and new talent is sought out and hired.

The new digital group is then separated, either purposely or tacitly, from the core business processes.  This inevitably leads to a digital effort that is irrelevant and unlikely to perform well.

Whether your company is publishing online as an extension of a core media business or as a marketing function, your web site needs to communicate effectively.  To do that takes more than a few simple rules of thumb; you also need to have a message worth paying attention to.

A website that is separate and therefore irrelevant to your company is unlikely to have much meaning for anybody else.

– Greg

25 Responses leave one →
  1. Tom Parrett permalink
    November 6, 2009

    Good, sound advice. I especially like the several recommendations to learn content organization and presentation from successful magazines, which are, after all, in the same business as web sites — and they’ve had a lot more time to refine audience-grabbing techniques.

  2. November 6, 2009


    Thanks. I’m glad you liked it.

    – Greg

  3. November 6, 2009

    Nice clear information. You used simple language so that we know what you are saying. You have given us great language/tools to talk to our website masters.

    Thanks much.

    Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Award-winning Authur

  4. November 6, 2009

    Thanks, Kathy.

    I’m glad it was helpful. Have a nice weekend.

    – Greg

  5. Vitaliy Gorduz permalink
    November 6, 2009

    Thanks Greg!
    Actually just realised that I have BIG Mistake #3 at one of my sites…

    Take care

  6. November 6, 2009


    Always happy to help your fine company, Vitaly. Should I assume that there’s a check in the mail?

    Tell our mutual friend I said hello:-)

    – Greg

  7. Joan Izzo permalink
    November 6, 2009

    Thank you for writing and sharing your knowledge. Excellent work.

  8. November 6, 2009

    Just starting out in this big world of web marketing. Good tips on how to set things up right from the beginning. I’ll take it into advisement as I work through my new site using Joomla.

  9. November 6, 2009

    Thanks, Susan. Good luck with your new site!

    – Greg

  10. November 6, 2009


    That’s very nice of you.


    – Greg

  11. November 10, 2009

    Good article. Food for thought. Thanks for sharing.

  12. November 11, 2009

    Hi Greg.

    Thanks for the post, and thanks for the reference to my post on the NY Times metadata strategy. I’ve update my original post with a reader-friendly transcript of the NY Times Semtech2009 presentation for those that want to glean the key insights, but don’t want to spend the 1-hour watching the entire video. Just to let you know.

    All the best, and I really enjoy your blog.


  13. November 11, 2009


    Thanks for posting the article!

    Good luck.

    – Greg

  14. Ibrahim Moss permalink
    November 19, 2009

    Well, I could say simply genius, but than it would not be like me to just compliment you without trying to complicate things ;-).

    Very good article. very insightful.

  15. November 19, 2009


  16. pavel zhdanov permalink
    November 24, 2009

    Hi Greg,
    what do you mean under #2 “Innovative Design”? Internet is a dynamic and fast developing environment (except Craig’s List :-)) and new ideas constantly change the view of it. Agree, “familiar places” are absolutely needed, but…

  17. November 24, 2009


    Spoken like a true programmer:-)

    The point is to have familiar things in familiar places so people can find what they want with a minimum of effort. Many sites try to have fancy menus and navigation. While it might look cool, it makes the site hard to use.

    The absolute worst are flash intro videos. Some people spend weeks to develop a “cool innovative” video just so they can discourage users from ever actually getting to the site.


    – Greg

  18. December 14, 2009

    Well written article Greg. I especially liked your last two points on semantics and Companies with a pseudo understanding of what a Digital Strategy entails.


  19. December 14, 2009


    Thanks. Glad you liked it:-))

    – Greg

  20. February 1, 2010


    Didnt realise over linking was bad, you’ve given me much work to do!


  21. February 2, 2010


    Sorry about that:-))

    The best way to test your page is to simply lean back from the screen and ask yourself, “Does this look like content or a bunch of links?”

    – Greg

  22. allie permalink
    May 16, 2010

    First of all let me thank you for this kind of info it’s not often you discover a blog post which is well displayed and also beneficial I’ve been looking for info relating tothis info for a very long time.

  23. May 16, 2010


    Thanks. I’m glad it was helpful.

    – Greg

  24. February 20, 2015

    Hello Greg,

    I have been reading a series of your blog as they are intelligently linked together, following themes and threads.

    Your style is clear, simple and logical while you drive arguments home with the right examples to avoid complex jargon!

    The contents you generate are also very enriching for my job of Brand Coach given the broad approach you adopt.

    Keep it up and why not, lets keep in touch!

    PS: 1- My Linked In profile

    2- A wrongly updated blog!

    3- An article on

  25. February 22, 2015

    Thanks Ashraf. Keep up the good work!

    – Greg

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