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If you’re on this page, you must have attended either my “Physics of Change” keynote and the Q&A with Samantha Yarwood or my “How to Save the World from AI” fireside chat with Aidan McCullen.

Clearly, you are interested in change. Here are three assets that can help you better understand how you can bring about genuine, transformational change.

1. 3 Principles of the Science Behind Cascades. You can download them here.

2. I have condensed my research into a short cheat sheet of 10 Principles of Transformational Change. You can download it here.

3. Finally, there is the Cascades Workbook, which contains the same frameworks that we use with clients. Download it here.


Again, thanks so much for coming! Don’t forget to check out Aidan’s top-rated podcast, The Innovation ShowYou can also follow me on Twitter @DigitalTonto and sign up to receive weekly insights from me on my newsletter. If you’d like to work with me, check out my other website, or email me at  innovate (at) digitaltonto (dot) com


– Greg